Personal Effectiveness

Course Title: Personal Effectiveness

This is a FETAC Level 3 course specified by FETAC.

The General Aims:

  • develop the ability to plan and to learn independently
  • reflect on their experiences of education or work
  • develop interactive skills
  • develop critical evaluation skills
  • develop good workshop practice.

In addition we will touch on some of the key ideas in NLP specifically about how they relate to becoming more productive and we will also have an opportunity of exploring the natural planning model of Dave Allen as discussed in his book “Getting Things Done”.

The Personal Effectiveness component of the course has to be delivered according to FETAC level 3 standards. There are ten specific learning outcomes (with corresponding performance criteria) that are set out in the FETAC documentation:

FETAC Specific Learning Outcomes

  1. Draw up a personal learning plan.
  2. Gather information needed to carry out task(s).
  3. Review and adapt the learning plan, if necessary.
  4. Practise different ways of learning in different situations.
  5. Evaluate the quality of work completed.
  6. Work as a member of a team.
  7. Evaluate the work of the team.
  8. Maintain a safe and efficient working environment.
  9. Observe safe work practices.
  10. Observe hygienic work practices