
Brilliant Strategies respects your right to privacy. We will treat all our client and other personal information in our possession in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1988.

What We Collect
When we receive an email from you, we will use your email address and other information you supply in that email to respond to your request. We only collect sensitive information if the individual client has consented to it or we are mandated to do so by law. We are not engaged in direct marketing but if you give us your email address we may contact you from time to time where we expect the information may be of interest to you. We will not sell to or share your data with third parties

Circumstances of Disclosure
We will only disclose information for the purpose it was collected unless the person has consented, or a person would reasonably expect such use or disclosure. The only other circumstances where information will be disclosed is in relation to public interest such as law enforcement. No personal information collected via the email will be forwarded unless required by a legal process.